Altar Servers have the awesome task of helping Father Arnel on the Altar during the Mass. This is your opportunity to be of service to the Lord and your parish. It is a responsibility that is taken very seriously, therefore, complete training is provided. Josh Saman is our Acolyte and helps educate our alter servers to serve during mass. New Altar Servers will be put together with experienced Servers. All servers are provided a servers handbook to help prepare for mass. There are usually two Altar Servers scheduled for all of the Masses.
If you are interested in become an Alter Server contact the office, Josh Saman, or Monica Sebesta.
Requirements: • A follower of Jesus Christ
• Should have received holy communion for the first time
• Are expected to receive the Eucharist whenever they participate in the liturgy
• Should be mature enough to understand their responsibilities and to carry
them out well and with appropriate reverence
• Must be an active member of St. Anthony de Padua
• Should respond to the prayers and dialogues of the priest along with the assembly
• Should join in singing the hymns and other chants of the liturgy
• Arrive at the church at least fifteen (15) minutes before Mass